Summer 2022

Summer 2022

Inside Summer 2022 Generations Journal

Aging and the Climate Crisis

Our Guest Editor: Clear-eyed but Positive Outlook on Affecting Climate
By Alison Biggar

Mick Smyer
Mick Smyer

The Climate Crisis: What’s Aging Got to Do With It?
By Mick Smyer

The Climate/Aging Intersection: Why it Matters

Why Aging Policy Must Include Climate Action
By Peter Kaldes

Combating Climate Change in an Era of Longevity
By Chenghao Wang, Jonas G. Miller, Robert B. Jackson, and Laura L. Carstensen

Reframing Aging and Climate Change
By Manfred Diehl

Climate Change Hazards + Social Vulnerability = A Recipe for Disaster
By Milanika S. Turner

Build to Last: Creating Age-Friendly, Eco-Friendly, and Climate Resilient Housing and Communities
By Ryan Frederick

Older Adults as Part of the Solution

Lessons from COVID-19: Improving Social Health to Build Community Resilience
By Kasley Killam

Promoting Climate Change Activism Among Older People
By Karl A. Pillemer, Julia Nolte, and Marie Tilema Cope

The Role of Elders in Saving Planet Earth
By Robert M. Gettings

The Give and Get of Climate Change Work
By Richard Lent

On Beliefs and How to Affect Them

Living Faithfully on the Hinge of History
By Jim Antal

Climate and Cultural Vulnerabilities of Indigenous Elders
By Amelia Marchand

How Do Climate Change Views Differ by Generation?
By Jennifer Marlon, Liz Neyens, Benjamin Everett-Lane, Seth A. Rosenthal, Edward Maibach, and Anthony Leiserowitz

What’s Your Third Act?
By Bill McKibben

Suggested citation for articles in this issue: [Last Name(s), First Name(s)]. "Article Title." Generations Journal, vol. 46, no. 2 (Summer 2022). [URL]

About Generations Journal

Generations Journal is the quarterly journal of the American Society on Aging. Each issue is devoted to bringing together the most useful and current knowledge about a specific topic in the field of aging, with emphasis on practice, research, and policy.