Summer Call for Proposals for On Aging 2023 Active Right Now

The recent news cycle has been rough, often making it hard to concentrate on work. At the same time, we at ASA can tell from our email inboxes that people are at least attempting to enjoy summer, which is a wonderful idea.

But, we are calling upon all of our members to help build upon what we found to be an inspirational, exciting and educational On Aging Conference this past April. A time that was full of learning, and also connecting with our valued members.

So now we’re asking you to please submit your proposals for next year’s On Aging 2023 Conference, which happens in Atlanta, March 27–30. The online portal for proposal submissions will close Aug. 1, 2022. You, our members, shape the Conference with what you choose to present, and we’re excited to see what’s new from ASA members.

This year’s theme is health and well-being, which to us encompasses so much more than the title may suggest. We choose general themes on purpose to be as inclusive of people and subject matter as is possible, while aligning with our key thought leadership areas. Health and well-being includes physical, functional, mental, emotional, social and spiritual experiences and outcomes, as well as ageism, racism and climate change and how they all affect our well-being. We want to hear about how disabilities, and equity and justice and social identities and accessibility and programs and partnerships and cultural expression and art and spirituality and the healthcare system and the workforce and affordability and trauma and gun violence and climate change all affect our health and society at large.

That’s a pretty wide-open ask, so get going on those proposals.

Also, we have new formats that should be lively and spur lots of engagement. For instance, we have a new Educational Resource Exchange where members who are educators, from nonprofits and government agencies can share tools and resources in a mini expo hall inside the conference.

Also, there are Point/Counterpoint Debates for three to seven presenters, and On Aging Collaboratives Live, which are 60-minute interactive facilitated discussions, and we’re bringing back the super fun Lightning Rounds—5-minute rapid-fire presentations of research, programming and advocacy.

And of course we’ll have 90-minute Symposia, 60-minute Workshops, 30-minute Workshops, Roundtables, Poster Sessions and Film/Video Sessions. This year there are 13 tracks in which to slot your proposal, each of which have somewhere between 5 and 15 topic areas.

Presenters are offered reduced registration rates as long as they preregister by Aug. 1; and proposals will be accepted by Sept. 26.

Please find all the details here; we can’t wait to see what you come up with.